50 Sunrise Blvd.
Colusa, CA 95932 (530)458-2118

Colusa Landing
RV/TRAILERS $75.00 per day Electrical Included
$275.00 per week Electric Deposit Required ($25.00)
$600.00 per month Electrical Deposit
Required ($100.00)
TENT TRAILER $50.00 per day Electrical Included
(water, restrooms, $200.00 per week
and showers included)
RV Rates
Type Rate Electrical
Colusa Landing RV Parking

Colusa Landing Boat Dock

Boat Dock Rates
Monthly Rate: $7.00 per foot*
*Length measured from back of motor to tip of bow
Daily Rate: $12.00 per day
Colusa Landing Boat Ramp

Boat Launch Rates
$15.00 per day
$95.00 season pass
$65.00 season pass (Veterans/Seniors)
Daily passes are purchased at the launch, yearly passes can be purchased at Colusa Landings office, 3244 Butte Slough Rd. Colusa, CA
The office is open Monday - Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
To reserve RV/Trailer/Dock space or to purchase a yearly launch pass
please contact Colusa Landings office at (530)682-8784
Colusa Landing is located at
3249/3244 Butte Slough Road along the Sacramento River in Colusa.
For more information call (530) 682-8784. Visit the website at http://www.colusalanding.com